Water Closet

Columbia University // Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation

Professor Christoph Kumpusch

Fall 2012

In a city like New York, every space must be capitalized and utilized. Each space must be functional and cater to a variety of needs. It is this reason why I felt the need to not only provide a pubic rest room, but also enable it to transform to accommodate a range of activities. This module would be a toilet, a shower, and a sleeping unit. The module would expand and contract in order to choreograph the space to make it conducive to each activity. The walls are the farthest out as the toilet is in use. As one is standing inside, the walls pull in, becoming vertical activating the shower. Finally, the walls pull even further in allowing the top of the module to be the most open, enabling access to the sleeping unit above.

Two Halves

The two halves of the dynamic water closet move independently. They are in constant flux between its three main stages.

Public to Private Space

An interior view revels the materiality of the panels. It allows light and limited visibility to its user while creating a private space from the passerby.