Columbia University // Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation
Professor Robert Marino
Fall 2013
Team: Chido Chuma
Function as Module
The various functions of everyday life were analyzed to provide estimated dimensions to inform the programmatic modules of the project.
Module as Unit
The structure is designed with construction in mind. The module is mounted on a 3’-0” kick-out which supports the module as it is pushed into place.
Flexibility of Space Frame
This space frame is capable of occupying the entire site. This flexble system allows the frame work to change from structure to circulation as seen in the North side of the site. The space frame has extended to incorporate the small unused lot.
Occupying the Site
Intersperse turns inward directing its occupants view towrds the center of the site and on other other tower. In using the buildings mass it is attempting to block out the undesireable conditions that surround the site. To improve residents view and to promote privacy a vertical garden was introduced. Furthermore, this garden is and elevated park at the hostel level open to the neighborhood.